Homely Flavours

Casa Iuorio is a farm in Palomonte in the province of Salerno, immersed in the green countryside of Monte Palo. The clay soil, which makes it impossible to work with tractors and industrial machines, must be tilled and worked by hand. It’s a hard job, but it pays for the effort by giving a unique taste to the vegetables of the area, rich in mineral properties.

Everything started with grandpa Mimmo, the first of the family to work the land and transform its precious products. Now, the grandchildren Claudio, Anna and Mirella are leading the company. After their studies and professional paths far from the agricultural world, they decided to get back to their family roots and devote themselves to the gardens and the laboratory of the farm.

Let’s start from cultivation: in Casa Iuorio’s fields vegetables from seeds of native varieties are grown, in total respect of the earth and the seasons’ cycles and biodiversity. Crop rotation is an integral part of agricultural methods, as well as the use of "good" insects for pest control. The raw materials are not just local, but next-door local because they are processed next to the garden they just harvested.

Casa Iuorio is fields and laboratory, cultivation, collection and processing. The freshly picked vegetables - always at the perfect point of ripening - arrive to the laboratory, a sort of large kitchen garden, perfectly equipped and certified according to all health and hygiene regulations. Here work the local women, custodians of the most traditional techniques and the best recipes.

All phases of collection, washing, cleaning, packaging and labelling are manual. The ingredients are completely natural, without preservatives, dyes, thickeners or additives. God forbid, with all the effort it takes to grow sustainable vegetables without any "help" from chemical agents! From tomato sauce to “scapece” zucchini, from bellpepper mayonnaise to pickles, from sauces to preserves, from the doors of Casa Iuorio only high quality natural products come out. The labels are always short: these vegetables are so good that they do not need much to turn into tasty preparations!