Castelmagno di Montagna PDO mountain cheese - 6/12 months - 400g

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The Castelmagno di Montagna PDO mountain cheese by La Meiro is produced between the months of October and mid May , when cows are kept in the...
This product is:
  • PGI - PDO - Slow Food
  • Gluten free
  • Product for Vegetarians
  • Perishable
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The Castelmagno di Montagna PDO mountain cheese by La Meiro is produced between the months of October and mid May, when cows are kept in the barns and are fed with hay. Castelmagno cheese is marked with two different labels specifying the production period: the blue butterfly indicates that it is a mountain product, while the green butterfly indicates that it was produced in the summer time in alpine pastures.

The Castelmagno cheese by La Meiro has a semi-hard and quite wrinkly ivory-white paste. Its flavour includes vegetal notes which get spicier and more persistent as ripening progresses. It is a traditional blue cheese from Piedmont made from cow’s milk; as ripening progresses, milk can even undergo a creaming process thanks to an increasing amount of proteolysis. La Meiro strictly follows PDO production specifications, but it lets cheeses ripe and refine well beyond the stipulated minimum ripening period, thus obtaining incredible results.

Castelmagno mountain cheese ages in natural stone rooms with a constant temperature (10° C) and humidity (90%) all year round.


Data sheet

PGI - PDO - Slow Food
Gluten free
Product for Vegetarians
Recensione prodotto.

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